Ending the cycle of poverty is an important part of our mission. Higher education can lead to greater job opportunities and economic circumstances. In support of this, Circle of Concern offers a dual-focus scholarship program.
High School Seniors
Each spring, area high school seniors from low-income families who live in the Circle of Concern service area or attend school in the service area may apply through a competitive process through for tuition funds for the coming school year. If awarded, students may apply for renewal scholarships for their subsequent college years. These scholarships can be used at community colleges, four-year universities or at nonprofit trade or technical schools.
The deadline to apply for youth college or trade education new and recurring scholarships is June 24, 2025 at 3:00 pm. Students should visit to set up a FREE account and complete an application. Qualified applicants will then be invited to interview in the competitive process.
Adult Clients
We also offer scholarships to adult clients attending college or an accredited trade school, obtaining or recertifying for a license for work or who are pursuing a high school equivalency degree.
Clients complete an application outlining their educational goals and what institution they plan to attend. Adult scholarships are available to clients throughout the year as funds are available.
Adult scholarship applications are available to clients throughout the year.